The Legal Field and PD
The Legal Field and Parkinson’s Disease: Hosted by George Ackerman, Esq.
The Legal Field and PD will bring awareness to the Parkinson’s Community on important legal topics including the law, ADA, Employment, Elder Care and so much more!
Guests will include attorneys, People with PD affected by U.S. laws and so much more.
Disclaimer: This show and videos are only for educational and informational purposes. For legal advice please contact a local attorney in your jurisdiction.
The Legal Field and Parkinson’s Disease: Hosted by George Ackerman, Esq.: Episode 1 Intro
The Legal Field and Parkinson’s Disease: Hosted by George Ackerman, Esq.: Episode 2 Advanced Directives
The Legal Field and Parkinson’s Disease: Hosted by George Ackerman, Esq. (Sharon’s Son): Episode 3 Estate Planning
The Legal Field and Parkinson’s Disease: Hosted by George Ackerman, Esq. (Sharon’s Son): Episode 4: The Law