We have conducted hundreds of interviews and podcasts with the greatest minds in the Parkinson’s community. Please feel free to see the many episodes with our wonderful Guest Speakers & enjoy!
The TogetherForSharon® Podcast
Hosted by Sharon’s daughter in law, Grether & Sharon’s Son, George for awareness, hope for a cure & to share inspiring journeys, advocacy, and support throughout the world.
Click Below to Listen on Spotify
Episode 1: A conversation on awareness with Grether Ackerman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YzwLdQqr1o&list=PLyPrpFGNpZcRTVYFGfSFCGlKQScypO4lj&index=3
Episode 2: A conversation on awareness with Deb Pollack, Drive Toward A Cure
Episode 3: A conversation on awareness with Melissa Marie Livingston.
Episode 4: A conversation on awareness with Mark Milow from the Parkinson’s Foundation
Episode 5: A conversation on awareness with Margaret Preston, President. Power Over PD
Episode 6: A conversation on awareness with Bethany Richards Bike Box Project Team Fox
Ep 7: A conversation on awareness with Matt Verguson from the Web Comic Adventures in Parkinson’s Land
Episode 8: A conversation on awareness with Esther Labib-Kiyaras, Advocate from the Parkinson’s Foundation
Episode 9: A conversation on awareness with Amber Hesford
Episode 10: A conversion on awareness. Ep 10: George Manahan, Parkinson’s Patient, Activist & Advocate.
The TogetherforSharon Podcast: A conversion on awareness. Ep 11: Sara Bastiaensen
A conversation on awareness. Episode 12: Rachelle Smith-Stallman’s Dance Beyond Parkinson’s
The TogetherForSharon® Podcast. A conversation on awareness Ep 13: Grether (Sharon’s Daughter-in-law) Interviews Sharon’s Son, George on his book “A Son’s Journey: From Parkinson’s Disease Caregiver to Advocate”
The TogetherForSharon® Podcast A conversion on awareness. Episode 14 Special Guest John Reyes. Hosted by Sharon’s Son, George & Grether (Sharon’s Daughter-in-law).
The TogetherForSharon® Podcast A conversion on awareness. Episode 15 Special Guest Jamie Bryson. Hosted by Sharon’s Son, George & Grether (Sharon’s Daughter-in-law).
The TogetherForSharon® Podcast A conversion on awareness. Episode 16 Special Guest Julie Fitzgerald. Dedicated in memory of John Humphreys… we will never forget.
Disclaimer for Interviews: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of Dr. George Ackerman or TogetherForSharon®. The material and information presented here is for general information purposes only. Dr. George Ackerman or the TogetherForSharon®